Hygge style
For this property located in Orlando, FL, the client trusted and let our advice guide them to make their property stand out in the middle of the colorful world of Disney.
The reality is that Orlando and its surrounding areas are saturated with colorful vacation properties decorated with Disney and Universal characters. We agree that this is a paradise for children, but we are forgetting about the target audience of adults only or families who, after a tiring day at the parks, are looking to relax and "enjoy a real vacation."
Finding a property that offers you peace, comfort and convenience after a tiring day full of noise and colors is feeling relaxed from the moment you walk through the door.
Our decorations are designed with the intention of standing out from the rest and thus meeting the needs that the traveler seeks.
Without a doubt, the neutral color palette creates a very cozy atmosphere that invites you to relax and stay there. Indirectly, it somehow forces you to keep everything in order and in perfect harmony.
Al igual que el resto de la casa, la habitación principal se decoró con colores neutros y en tonos mas claros para crear mayor amplitud y luminosidad.
Un sofa de lineas sencillas y en un tono neutral como pieza principal acompañado siempre con detalles acogedores como cojines y mantas. Alfombra para contrastar y dar textura al igual que la mesa de centro en madera.
Las mesas redondas permiten un mejor flujo del trafico al igual que amplitud al espacio. Una mesa de madera siempre sera duradera y proporcionara un estilo rústico y acogedor.