In order to fully support our customers, we have compiled a comprehensive collection of the most frequently asked questions, and if your question is not covered, please feel free to reach out.
What is the content that I will receive in my Gift Box by Style?
You will receive 6 to 9 items specially selected according to your style (at a price well below their retail value). Items can include a variety of products, such as decorative trays, table decorations, kitchen items, table runners, small pots, printed art, and more. Each box includes a complete brochure with product descriptions and inspirational images.
What if I don't like any of the pieces received in my Gift Box?
Because Hygge Gift Experience carefully chooses the contents of each box, there are no returns or replacements for anything in your box. If you didn't like items in particular, we always recommend spreading the love for home décor and gifting or donating those items to friends and family.
What happens if any of the pieces received in my box came damaged?
If, unfortunately, during the shipping route, any of the pieces were broken or mistreated (at the time of packing each piece in its box we make sure that it is in perfect condition) you must send us a photo of the piece by email within the next 3 days of having it received to consider sending a new part equal to the damaged one or, failing that, a very similar one. This only applies to shipments within the United States.
How do I do if I want to delete or stop my Seasonal or Annual subscription?
You can cancel your SEASONAL subscription at any time. Cancellation requests must be received by the 1st of the month of the next seasonal shipping date to avoid automatic debiting on the 2nd. Cancellation requests after the 1st will be effective for the next seasonal shipping date.
ANNUAL subscriptions are pre-paid orders of 3 boxes and are non-refundable. When you bought the annual subscription, you got an initial 10% discount for agreeing to get all three boxes.
There are no cancellation fees. Canceling your account does not provide you with a refund for boxes already paid for or shipped, nor does it stop a pending charge.